Trans Conversion Debunked
Rebuttal to:
The dangerous 'science' behind gender transitioning
This "Research" is incredibly shady.
No references, no description of how many respondents, how respondents were selected, or even whether the respondents were actually transgender people.
The Kinsey report shocked the world because Kinsey researched not only people's activities but also their desires and fantasies. He discovered that 10% of the total population desired homosexual relationships at a time when homosexuals were persecuted, arrested, and convicted for consensual acts.
Keep in mind that 20% of women weren't even having orgasms. Lesbian fantasies were more common.
Masters & Johnson did more profound physiological studies and rewrote the book on sex and sexuality.
The Hite report went even further.
Christians often cite a study of postoperative transsexuals who received sex change operations in the early 1960s. They don't mention that these operations were based on poorly drawn diagrams over observations of only a few surgeries performed in Stockholm, Sweden. The Johns Hopkins surgical procedures resulted in a freakish-looking result. The "vagina" was in the wrong place, with shallow depth, and no clitoris.
Furthermore, there were no screening procedures. Anyone who requested the surgery got it, often with no real-life experience and only cross-dressing for sexual gratification.
It wasn't until a decade later (1970) that Harry Benjamin developed a process for testing, real-life experience, blockers, hormones, and therapy prerequisites that took a minimum of 2 years to complete before getting the Vaginoplasty.
It wasn't until 1985 that the procedures for a sensitive clitoris using nerves from the penile head were developed.
It was known that those who were transsexual and forced to live as cisgender men had an incredibly high suicide rate. Over 90% died before their 25th birthday. Often the deaths would appear to be accidental. Drunk driving into a telephone pole or a ravine. Lookout mountain in Colorado is covered with the remains of such accidents.
The first large-scale empirical studies of transgender men and women shocked the world.
The first shock was the high suicide attempt rates. Initially, 25%, but subsequent surveys of larger populations and more extensive questions showed the actual attempt rates of survivors to be 40-45%. This prompted more research into pretransition and post-transition questions, which revealed that post-transition respondents had a much better quality of life than before their transition, even if they only had HRT.
Furthermore, they discovered that bullying, assaults, and other trauma events were much more common before transition than after, especially for transgender women.
They also discovered that the most dangerous time for transgender people was puberty.
At the same time, police began investigating teen suicides to see if there had been cyberattacks before the suicide. Police discovered that more than half of those who killed themselves had cell phone history, social media history, and browser history, indicating that they were transgender. Most of the rest were LGBTQ.